Create dogleg mid-point – Off the course

There may be a dogleg on a par four and pivots on par fives, which require a mid-point GPS location.

Mid-points are tied to all Tee’s on a hole and are not required on any Par 3’s.


Tap on the large satellite image on the course screen (under the grey Tee Configuration tab) or any of the smaller satellite images next to the holes, to access Edit Hole.


On the satellite image, zoom into the selected hole. Then with a long press of your finger, release where the first (and if it is a par five, second) Mid-point is located.


The Select Feature Location screen will appear.

The location buttons for all Mid-points on the Set Tee Location screen, will turn from blue to grey when any of the mid-point locations have been recorded.


Tap on Mid-point or if it is a par five, tap on Mid1 or Mid2 location.


Only Tee and Pin positions are mandatory on every hole. Missing mid-points won’t trigger the satellite icon to go red however they are important for GPS purposes.


Access to the satellite image of a hole, is also possible from the individual tee images shown here.


Select Yes when the Confirm prompt appears.

NOTE: When the course set up is complete, all of the satellite images for each hole under the heading Location on the Course – Name screen, must be green, indicating all areas have been entered.


If any of these satellite images are red, either a Tee, a pin, or both, have not been entered.