Merging courses

Clubs that have multiple courses, use selected holes from each course to create a composite course.

Other clubs have 27 or 54 holes and are able to create different sets of match day courses.


Create a composite course with the following procedure:

  • Before creating a composite of the two existing courses, ensure all of the Tee, Mid-points, and centre of green flag locations of the two independent courses are accurate.
  • Select the first course of the two-course complex and then tap on Duplicate to create a copy of the first selected course.
  • The Duplicate Course screen will appear asking, Are you sure you want to make a copy of this course? Select Duplicate, create a permanent name, e.g. Metropolitan – Composite and select OK.
  • Select the second course of the two-course complex and then tap on Duplicate to create a copy of the second selected course. Again, the Duplicate Course screen will appear asking, Are you sure you want to make a copy of this course?
    Select Duplicate and create a temporary name such as Metropolitan – Course 2 and select OK.NOTE: When both course copies are created, all of the Tee’s, Mid-Points, centre of green flag locations and satellite images for each hole on each course will be copied to the two new course names.
  • Use both of these newly created courses to create a new composite course made up of a number of Metropolitan – Composite holes and a number of the Metropolitan – Course 2 holes.
  • Select the newly created Metropolitan – Composite and delete all of the holes not required for the composite course.
  • To delete a hole, tap on the black number to access Edit Hole, tap on the More button at the bottom of the screen and tap on Delete Hole.
  • Select Delete Hole when the prompt appears to delete the unwanted hole.
  • Repeat this process until all of the unwanted holes are deleted from the Metropolitan – Composite course and then select Save.
  • Select the newly created Metropolitan – Course 2 and proceed to delete the holes not required for the composite course.
  • Again, tap on the black number to access Edit Hole, tap on the More button at the bottom of the screen and tap on Delete Hole.
  • Select Delete Hole when the prompt appears to delete the unwanted hole.
  • Repeat this process until all of the unwanted holes are deleted for Metropolitan – Course 2 and then select Save.


At this stage there will be a number of holes in Metropolitan – Composite and a number of holes in Metropolitan – Course 2.

Before merging the two edited courses (Metropolitan – Composite and Metropolitan – Course 2) into one composite course, the hole numbers in each temporary course will need to be renumbered.


  • Select Metropolitan – Course 2.
  • Select the hole by tapping on any part of a line.
  • The cursor will move to the Edit Hole
  • Go to the bottom of the screen and tap on More.
  • Change the hole number by entering the New Hole Number, for this composite course.
  • Tap Save on edit hole.
  • Repeat this process and change all of the remaining holes on Metropolitan – Course 2.
  • Tap Save on edit hole.
  • Tap Save to save all of the new hole numbers for Metropolitan – Course 2.
  • Select Metropolitan – Composite.
  • Repeat the process of changing the hole numbers on Metropolitan – Composite.
  • Tap Save on edit hole, for each hole.
  • When every hole has been assigned a new hole number, Tap Save to save all of the new hole numbers for Metropolitan – Composite.


Two courses, each with renumbered holes now need to be consolidated into one composite course but before consolidating both courses, make sure that there are only 18 holes, with no identical hole numbers.


Reindex each of the holes and ensure that there are only 18 index numbers.


  • The index number count must equal 171 (the 171 total is the sum of the numbers 1 to 18).
  • Edit each hole and enter the correct index number for each hole.
  • Again, tap on the black number to access Edit Hole and update the Universal and if required the Alternative Index numbers.
  • Tap the Save button twice to return to the My Course

To complete the process of creating a composite course, make sure there are only 18 holes.

Our next task is to merge the Metropolitan – Course 2 into the Metropolitan – Composite creating a new 18-hole golf course.

  • From My Courses, select Metropolitan – Composite.
  • Go to the bottom of the Metropolitan – Composite course screen and select, Merge Course From.
  • A pop-up screen will say “Merge course data into Metropolitan – Composite from: Select Metropolitan – Course 2.
  • The Merge Course? screen will appear asking, Are you sure you want to copy data from “Metropolitan – Course 2” and merge into “Metropolitan – Composite?” This process cannot be undone.
  • Select Merge.
  • All holes in Metropolitan – Course 2 will now merge into Metropolitan – Composite and the hole numbers will be sorted into numerical order 1 to 18.
  • Tap Save to return to the newly created Metropolitan – Composite course to the My Course screen.
  • Finally, delete Metropolitan – Course 2.