Round statistics

Players can review their statistics as they prefer. On certain days they may look at the Focus report. On other days they may look at the Summary report.

When you require additional information, go to the Detailed reports to view as many statistics about your performance as you require.


From the Round Details screen, select Reports where you can view all of your Statistics in Focus, Summary and Detailed Reports, together with Graphics and Rounds Ranked reports.

watchMynumbers has provided various options to review different trends over different time periods. You can select whether you want to review Historical Statistics ((which are Recent or Past), Year to Date and Last Year’s Averages) or Best & Select (which are a combination of previous games or a desired target game), as well as the number of rounds you would like to see in all of your statistics and the number of months in all of your graphic reports.


The option you select is displayed in white with black text.


The displayed item in white with black writing is the selected option.