Rounds Rank

Access the Rounds Ranked via Reports.


watchMynumbers’ methodology allows you to create any type of report you desire, and to enter any combination of statistics into one report.


This allows you to review a particular metric and see how your performance on this metric compares with other metrics recorded during the current round, and all previous rounds.


The Round Ranked reports allow you to view previous results and compare like for like, rather than simply comparing current round statistics against a recent or past round, year-to-date, last year averages, best or a selected round.


It means questions such as, ‘how long has this negative damaging trend been impacting on ‘My score’ and, ‘when did this damaging trend start and finish’ can be easily answered.


You are able to download various reports from the watchMynumbers website directly onto your chosen device.


The reports provide an adaptable list of your results in the Rounds Ranked section of round statistics.


You can change these reports to suit your specific needs. Your reports will not be deleted when upgrades occur.


These reports include a complete analysis on every aspect of your game including:


  • Scoring – Gross & Nett Score
  • Scoring – Par 3, 4 & 5s
  • Successful strokes and the type of Error
  • My Bag – Performance of all of your clubs Off the tee and From the Fairway, Rough and Bunkers including the type of Error
  • Greens in Regulation.
  • Fairways in Regulation.
  • Approach and Go for Green
  • Arrival on Green1st and all Other Approaches.
  • Arrival on Green – From various distances and the arrival point in proximity to the flag.
  • Missed Greens – From various entry zones.
  • Putting – From zones on green, Single Putt Success and Good & Bad Putts.
  • Dangerous Pin Placements, Dangerous Pin Placements Attacked (+) and Passive Pin Placements, Missed greens and resulting gains and losses.